Where are you originally from? What’s your educational background?
I am originally from Chesapeake, Ohio. I have BAs in history and political science, and MA’s in journalism and library science. I am currently at work on my dissertation, where I focus on the development of journalism education in the United States.
What’s your title? How would you describe your position at the Miami Libraries?
I am an academic resident librarian for Information Services at King Library. At Miami University, I lead instructional sessions for first-year students and serve as the subject liaison for the department of media, journalism and film, and the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies (AIMS).
What drew you to work in a library environment? Why did you choose the Miami Libraries?
I like to work with students and faculty, and I enjoy supporting their research. Miami University has an excellent reputation for both teaching and undergraduate research, and I wanted to be part of that tradition.
What’s the best part of working in a library?
The best part of working in a library is being exposed to fresh ideas and new perspectives. We help students and faculty with their research needs, but they also help us stay current on research trends and new areas of interest.
What’s one thing you wish college students knew about using a library?
I wish college students knew how eager librarians are to help them with their work. They just have to ask.
What’s your favorite book?
My favorite book is Herzog, written in 1964, by Saul Bellow.
Any hobbies?
I enjoy live music, and outdoor activities.
What’s something people don’t know about you that might surprise them?
I was on PBS’s Reading Rainbow as a kid. No, I did not get to meet Levar Burton.