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Two library employees celebrate anniversaries

On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, two employees from the Miami University Libraries were recognized for their dedication to the university at a reception. Every year, Miami University takes time to identify the employees who have 15, 25, or 30 years of service.

At Tuesday’s event, Jennifer Hicks, the Circulation, Reserves, & ILL Supervisor at Gardner-Harvey Library was honored for her 15 years of service to the university, and Donna Richardson, the Administrative Services Coordinator at King Library, was honored for 30 years of service.

“As I reflect on my 30 years at Miami University, I realize just how fortunate I’ve been,” Donna Richardson said. “The administration, faculty, staff, and students have been the best! We’re all still learning together.”

We are so grateful to these two employees for their steadfast dedication to Miami University Libraries. We know that this organization would not be able to continue the good work that we do without their support and the support of the many others just like them.

Congratulations and thank you to Jennifer and Donna!