New for 2018: Libraries announce changes, additions, upgrades
Reconfigured B.E.S.T. ground level and new graduate reading room location among changes
By Vince Frieden, strategic communications coordinator, Miami University Libraries
A new year has brought some exciting new changes, additions and upgrades to the Miami University Libraries.
King Library has adopted a new one-stop service strategy at its main circulation desk. Patrons can now direct in-person inquiries to the same circulation desk where they make checkouts. Librarians remain on call to support the new service format, and, as always, are accessible via online chat, text, phone or email. The former information desk is now a self-service station for study room reservations and self-checkout
The Polk Patterson Graduate Reading Room has moved from its previous location on King Library’s third floor to the former Hill Faculty Reading Room (King 230). The move and decision to transition to one faculty reading room, approved by the faculty senate, places the graduate reading room in a more private space amid the book stacks and quiet study area. The space is receiving a general modernization, including new furniture.
The ground-level of B.E.S.T. Library, damaged by flooding in the fall, has undergone a minor renovation, including fresh paint, new carpeting and a reconfigured and relocated seating/study area.
The Libraries digital collections have welcomed seven new online databases, creating 24/7 access for students and faculty to thousands of articles, videos, periodicals and other documents and teaching tools._**[Learn more.
Miami University’s One-Button, formerly the One-Button Studio, is new and improved, featuring a more user-friendly interface and better quality picture. The improvements were made using student and faculty feedback gained since the concept was initially piloted in 2016. It will be tweaked and tested throughout Spring Semester 2018, so keep the feedback coming!
Wertz Art & Architecture Library has upped its drawing tablet game, adding six Wacom Intuos Pros and four iPad Pros with the powerful digital illustration app pro_create_. The Intuos Pros are available for three-hour or overnight checkout. The iPad Pros can be checked out for up to 24 hours at a time.
King Library installed upgraded HD digital display technology in 11 study rooms.
The Kamm Electronic Instruction Room (King 110) is piloting a new configuration during spring 2018 to improve viewing angles for instructional purposes.